Tips for writing good web copy

You don’t need to be Shakespeare to write compelling web copy that grabs your dream customers’ attention. Here are some basic tips on writing effective content for your website.

9 tips for writing good web copy

1. Use subheadings

Subheadings make your content easier to read because they structure your text by arranging it around topics that flow. They are also easier on the eye. Anything that is more visually appealing to the reader increases the chances of them reading your entire article (and sticking around a while on your website).

Think about a huge chunk of uninterrupted text on your screen. Dense, unappealing and uninviting. My eyes!

2. Incorporate keywords

Keywords are how people find you online. Think about how you search for something yourself. You go to your favourite search engine and type in a few words describing whatever it is you’re looking for. Those words are keywords, and every good webpage needs them. Think about the keywords your ideal customers would use to search for your business, then use them in the copy you write.

Think about niche and localised keywords that’ll being customers to your page. If you use keywords that are too popular or generic, chances are people looking for you won’t find you in the sea of websites returned in their search.

And don’t stuff your copy full of the same keywords. Readers and search engines alike don’t like that. Think of synonyms and other creative ways to use your keywords.

3. Write in the active voice

This sentence was written by me in the passive voice.

I wrote this sentence in the active voice.

One of these sentences is shorter, snappier and gets to the point. Of course there are exceptions, especially in creative writing, but in general the active voice is easier to read.

4. Vary sentence length

Short sentences are great. And in some cases, when you’re getting creative or really need to describe something in greater detail, so are longer sentences. What’s best is a mixture of short and long sentences.

But don’t use too many overly long sentences. They’re confusing to read, which could mean your point is lost on the reader.

5. Stick to short paragraphs

Shorter paragraphs are easier to read. As I mentioned before, readers can find massive chunks of text intimidating.

Restricting paragraphs to one topic, and spreading them out with lots of white space means they look nice and are easier to read. Visitors to your website will stick around longer, and hopefully even buy something.

6. Use outbound & inbound links

Search engines find webpages through links. Internal links connect your pages to each other and give the site structure. Search engines and humans love sites that are easy to navigate and nicely linked up.

And outbound links to other websites do the same on an external scale. If we can connect up the web in a structured and relevant way, it’s a far more pleasant surfing experience. And far more interesting websites will be found by search engines and humans alike.

But make sure you’re linking to content that’s relevant to the content on your webpage. People are going to be bemused if they’re on a site about chocolate and click through to an accountant’s website, for example.

7. Vary post lengths

Of course the content of your posts and articles are more important than their length, and length may vary depending on the topic and audience. But most people have short attention spans, so they often prefer to read shorter content that gets the point across succinctly.

However, long-form content ranks well on search engines. And sometimes people really want to deep-dive into a topic to learn as much about it as possible.

That’s why it’s good to have a mixture of both short and long articles on your site. But try to keep above 300 words per post to allow search engines enough text to analyse and rank.

8. Write for your target audience

Picture your dream clients. What do they want to hear? What do they want to read? Think about what information they want and what you need to say to persuade them that your products and services are awesome.

9. Your own style trumps everything

You’re unique. Your brand is unique. If you write in your own catchy, quirky, wonderful voice, your web copy is going to stand out a mile above all the rest.

And yes, while no-one is you, a good writer should be able to present enough of your voice and brand in their writing to get your message out there.

Need someone to help you with your writing? Book a free discovery call with me here.

Read more about content and copywriting here.

Why you need a copywriter for your business

Hiring a copywriter helps your business grow

You’re a business owner, not a copywriter

You’ve started your own business! You’re selling a product you made with your own hands. Or providing a service you’re truly passionate about.

It takes a lot of blood, sweat and tears to run your business. But there’s a lot of joy too.

This is the business you’ve dreamed of for years.

But you need a website.

But why should your business fork out for a copywriter?

Every business, every professional, needs a website.

It’s pretty easy to get a basic website up and running. If it’s not your area, there are plenty of people out there who can help you.

But your website needs written content. Copy.

You hire professionals to help with other areas of your business. Why not a copywriter too?

It’s the writing on your website that lets search engines find you. It’s the writing on your website that lets customers find you. And when they find you, it’s the writing on your website that lets them decide if they want to buy from you.


On top of everything else you need to do, you’re expected to write?

There are two scenarios here.

  1. You don’t have the time or skill to write a bunch of text. You’re a health practitioner, a coach, a fashion designer. You’re not a writer.
  2. You enjoy writing, but don’t have the time. And your words could do with a bit of a polish.

This is where a copywriter saves you time and money. Let someone else write your web copy. And you can get back to running your business, coaching your clients, designing that masterpiece.

Hiring a copywriter will return so many benefits to you and your business, you’ll wonder why you didn’t think of it earlier.

Hooking customers’ attention

People are time poor and easily distracted.

If there’s nothing attention-grabbing on your site, they’ll bounce. The more bounces, the lower you rank in search engines.

You want your visitors to come to your website and stay a while. And you want visitors to become customers.

But you don’t want to grab people’s attention in the wrong way either. Badly-written text full of typos will make them take off fast. So will seeing that your most “recent” post is five years old.

A copywriter creates fresh, up to date and relevant content for your web pages, product descriptions and blog posts. The content is persuasive without being sales heavy. It’s customer-hooking content.

Copywriters use hooks in their headings and opening text. A hook is something so exciting your customers won’t be able to do anything but keep reading.

A good writer can make anything sound exciting. And your business is exciting. Don’t ever forget that.

But it may take the skills of a copywriter to pinpoint the most exciting elements of your business and draw them out to create fresh and compelling copy.

A copywriter has a high level of English proficiency. That means spelling, grammar and punctuation – all the things many people find tedious but writers love. And yes, bad spelling, grammar and punctuation will stand out to your customers like a piece of spinach caught between your teeth. Yuk!

A professional writer will create for you attention-grabbing copy that:

  • Sets you apart from your competitors
  • Specifies exactly what you’re offering
  • Drives customers to buy from you quicker
  • Informs and helps

A copywriter saves valuable time so you can get back to running your business

Sure, you could write your own content. You could even learn web copywriting online for free. But if it takes you five times longer than a professional writer, is that an efficient use of your time?

You could look up online tutorials and learn how to maintain your own car. Or you could take it to a mechanic to get it serviced. The same applies to copywriting.

Just like you’re skilled at getting your job done effectively and efficiently, so is a copywriter.

Hiring a copywriter will save you time, frustration and hassle.

Creating consistent, engaging content takes time. Copywriters are a great way to save that time. This means you can spend more time on another aspect of your business. Or with your family and friends. Or sipping champagne on a yacht.

Time is money. The convenience and peace of mind you get when you hire a copywriter makes the investment worthwhile.

Leave the copywriting to an expert and get your time back.

Building a consistent, unique style

Good writing is more than stringing nice-sounding words together.

A good copywriter will take the time to get to know your clients. They’ll ask the right questions to learn about your business, culture and values. They can also be more objective about your business and “think like a customer”.

When you hire a copywriter, you’re not just getting someone who can write well. You’re getting someone who captures the essence of your business. Only then can they craft engaging copy that entertains and informs readers. And drives them to buy your products and services.

A copywriter will ensure a consistent voice across your web pages, blog articles and social media posts. A voice that’s unique to you and your business.

Hiring a copywriter on a retainer means your website will always be current with regular posts written in the same voice, all driving customers to your call to action.

Ranking high in search engines

Good visual content catches customers’ eyes. However, it’s written content that ranks in search engines.

There are plenty of online resources that teach you all about SEO. But again, there’s the time and effort factor.

Good writers keep up to date with the latest Google changes. And they’re a lot. Do you have time for that?

Deciding on the right keywords and optimising your website for a good search engine ranking is probably the most important task when going online.

A copywriter has the training and expertise to use keywords effectively to create content that draws readers in.

As well as writing, a copywriter will research keywords specifically related to your business. This includes location and anything that’s niche or special about your business, anything your competitors don’t provide.

Focusing on the right keywords will draw in the right visitors. And they’ll be ready to buy from you.

If you didn’t think spelling, grammar and punctuation matters to search engines, think again. Exceptional grammar is vital when it comes to SEO. A good copywriter will always have excellent grammar.

SEO likes long content, so your copywriter should write you some longer pieces. But don’t forget about your readers. They may prefer a mix of long and shorter pieces, depending on what they’re doing and the time they have. A copywriter can create content of varying lengths, which will satisfy all reading and SEO needs.

To conclude, good written content helps your SEO.

Increasing sales

Think about your own online shopping. You usually read about products and services before you buy them, right? The only time you wouldn’t is when you’re already familiar with that business’s product or service.

The same applies to your customers.

Because a copywriter writes your content for your business faster and better, it means your website is live and making sales sooner.

Potential customers search the web to find a business offering something interesting. They read online reviews and product descriptions. And they look for good content. Websites with fresh, regular and varied content will earn engagement and commitment from these customers.

All the while, websites with good written content are building brand awareness. And customers are more likely to buy from brands they are more familiar with. Think about your own buying habits.

Basically, a website with well-written content, coupled with positive customer reviews, strengthens customer relations and wins their trust.

Return on investment

The decision to hire a copywriter is up to you.

But are you willing to spend the time and energy to learn this skill? And how quickly do you need your site up and running? Because, like your skills, writing is a unique skill that takes time to develop.

So that’s why you should hire a copywriter to take on the job of writing your web content, so you can get back to doing what you do best – running your business.

You can find out more about my copywriting services for businesses here.